Thursday 29 January 2009

Getting to Know Your Spouse Better

Some time ago I taught a lesson on marriage. At the end I asked, “Wouldn’t it be interesting if we all went home and did two things:

(1) ask our wives how we could be better husbands, and (2) listen to what they have to say.” [Questions should also be asked in reverse by wife]

After the meeting I returned home and began eating a late breakfast. My wife, Susan, asked about my lesson, and between bites of cereal I indicated that as far as I could tell it went pretty well.

“What did you say?” she asked. I took another spoonful of cereal and replied, “I told them to go home and ask their wives how they could be better husbands, and then listen to their comments.” I chuckled. “I’ll bet some of them are having some pretty interesting discussions right now.” I took another sip of orange juice.

Susan walked over to the kitchen counter and was rather quiet as I continued to enjoy my breakfast. After a few minutes she said, “Do you really want to know?”

“Know what?” I asked.

“How you could be a better husband,” she replied. “You do follow your own advice, don’t you?”

Suddenly I lost my appetite. I put down my toast, and she began.

It was not so much what I was doing that concerned her, she said, but what I could be doing that would greatly improve our marriage. I listened.

Our discussion had lasted about an hour when the phone rang. Susan answered it and talked for a minute or two and hung up.

“Who was it?” I asked.

“It was Brother Larson,” she replied. “He said he would be a little late picking you up to go home teaching.”

Susan walked out of the kitchen and called back, “He said he and his wife were having some sort of discussion. Something to do with what you said in priesthood meeting this morning.”

As husbands and wives, how well do we know each other? Most of us knew enough about our spouse at one time to agree to marriage. But what have we learned about each other since then? People—and consequently marriages—change as the years go by.

Some husbands and wives are surprised to find that there are still things to learn about each other, even after several years of marriage. Some mistakenly believe that because they live together in the same house, they’ll automatically know each other. Others assume that they each share the same perspective of their marriage—that since they are “one,” they think exactly alike, enjoy exactly the same things, and derive exactly the same satisfaction from their relationship. And some even erroneously assume that because they love each other, each will always know what the other is thinking or feeling, so there’s no need to express thoughts and sentiments.

Whatever the reasons, dialogue is infrequent or missing in too many marriages.

Elder Hugh B. Brown has written: “Where there is deep and mature love, which is being nurtured and jealously guarded, the couple will confide in each other and discuss all matters of joint interest—and in marriage everything should be of interest to both—they will stand together in adversity, will lean on, support, and give strength to each other. They will find that their combined strength is more than double the strength of either one of them alone.” (You and Your Marriage, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1960, p. 30.)

To assist in marital communication, try the following exercise together. Allow yourselves sufficient time when there will be no interruptions. You might wish to divide the exercise into several sessions, considering two or three statements at each session.

First, respond individually in writing to the statements. Then exchange papers and talk about what you’ve written. Don’t try to review your responses simultaneously. While one of you is reading or speaking, the other should listen or ask clarifying questions. Then switch roles.

Complete the following statements:

  1. In our marriage, I feel loved when you …
  2. In our marriage, I feel appreciated when you …
  3. In our marriage, I am happiest when …
  4. In our marriage, I am saddest when …
  5. In our marriage, I am angriest when …
  6. In our marriage, I would like more …
  7. In our marriage, I would like less …
  8. In our marriage, I feel awkward when …
  9. In our marriage, I feel uneasy when …
  10. In our marriage, I feel excited when …
  11. In our marriage, I feel close to you when …
  12. In our marriage, I feel distant from you when …
  13. In our marriage, I feel most afraid when …
  14. My greatest concern/fear about our marriage is …
  15. What I like most about myself is …
  16. What I dislike most about myself is …
  17. The feelings that I have the most difficulty sharing with you are …
  18. The feelings that I can share most easily with you are …
  19. Our marriage could be greatly improved with just a little effort if we …
  20. The one thing in our marriage that needs the most immediate attention is …
  21. The best thing about our marriage is …

More articles like this | Help for marriage problems

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Trickle-Down Parenting: Your Marriage and Your Toddler

Did you know that according to marriage experts the first major crisis in many marriage relationships is the birth of their first child? With all the stresses of caring for a toddler, it's easy to see why trouble could erupt. To keep your marriage out of crisis, several things need to be considered.

Who's Your Baby?

I heard Joe Beam say the following at one of his Love, Sex, and Marriage seminars: "Why is the birth of the first child often the first crisis? Because mama has a new baby."

Before her child's birth, her husband was her baby. She woke up early to cook breakfast for him before he left for work, she paid close attention to him to ensure he was happy and comfortable and she planned her schedule around him. But when Heather's new baby, Tanner, was born, she altered her focus almost entirely.

When Jason got home from work, Heather hardly noticed. After a hard day of changing diapers, cleaning spilled milk off the carpet and listening to Tanner cry, her nerves were shot. Her exhaustion carried over to the bedroom, where the two hardly made love anymore.

Though Jason loved his son, he occasionally had feelings of resentment toward him.

What could this couple possibly do? They certainly should not ignore their child. But they should decide to ensure that they remembered their vows to each other.

Jason and Heather recommitted to making sure the other felt fulfilled and happy. They decided to reserve one night for the two of them to relax at home or go out for dinner. That night, a baby sitter whom they trusted would keep Tanner. Also, during Tanner's daily naps, Heather would nap. This way she could catch up on some of the sleep she lost from nursing Tanner during the night. After work, Jason prepared supper for Tanner and fed him while Heather cooked their supper. The two noticed a significant drop in stress simply because they refocused on each other.


After some time passed, Jason and Heather had raising a baby down to an art form. Though it was very hard work, they both felt a sense of pride in being parents and had renewed feelings of closeness and warmth for each other. However, the eye of the storm gave way to disaster when Tanner became a toddler.

Tanner learned that occasionally Jason gave in more than Heather. When Heather would put Tanner in bed for the night, Jason would often allow him to get in their bed. Heather did not like the loss of intimacy that resulted in Tanner sleeping in their bed and didn't appreciate Jason ignoring the rules she made for Tanner.

As Tanner began to learn he could go to "daddy" for a "second opinion," he would cry to Jason after Heather had said, "no." One day, when Heather went shopping, Jason kept Tanner. Tanner began asking Jason for a marker so he could color. Both Tanner and Jason knew that Heather did not allow Tanner to play with markers, but Jason didn't think it would hurt anything.

When Heather came home to find the walls covered with scribbles, she was very upset. Jason hadn't noticed that Tanner snuck away from him.

The little guy had learned to manipulate Jason and Heather in order to get what he wanted. It wasn't because he was a bad little boy. It was simply because two-year olds live life only to please themselves. He would grow out of it in time, but until he did, Jason and Heather would have to set some more guidelines in order to protect their marriage and to help Tanner mature.

They decided that they would determine rules together. And if one of them set a rule for Tanner to follow, that rule would stand simply because of the loyalty that existed between Jason and Heather.

It didn't happen overnight, but Tanner learned that "mommy and daddy" were united in parenting. If one said "no," the other did as well. This was difficult, but Jason and Heather were determined to be as focused on each other as they were on being parents.

It Takes A Good Marriage To Be Good Parents

Though it might not seem to be the case, statistics tell us that children in homes with parents in strong marriages are more successful, mentally stable and have more self-esteem on average than children in homes with parents in weak relationships.

In our make-believe scenario, everything worked out nicely for Jason and Heather. That isn't always the case. Therefore, I can't stress enough the importance of focusing on your marriage relationship just as much as you focus on good parenting. By working to improve your marriage, not only are you helping yourself, you are helping your children.

If you have a son, he needs to see his father treat his mother with compassion, respect and love. If you have a daughter, she needs to see her mother treat her father with the same compassion, respect and love. Not only will it help them in the future, but it provides them a pleasant home enviroment and a healthy attitude toward God's institution of marriage.

So practice the "trickle down effect" with your family. The good things in your marriage will usually trickle down to your children and, hopefully, to their children and generations to come.

by Lee Wilson, Author of The Real Heaven
Director of Web Media and Literature
Family Dynamics Institute
© 2005 Lee Wilson. All rights reserved.

More articles like this | Help for marriage problems

Saturday 24 January 2009

How to Save a Marriage - Secrets to Saving Your Marriage

Your heart is broken. And it hurts you to have to ask yourself how you can save your marriage. But it's worth it. That's why I'm going to share with you secrets on how to save a marriage. That way, you can avoid the hassle of going through a divorce.

Admit There's A Problem

The first thing you have to do in order to save your marriage is to admit that your marriage is failing. This may be the tough part. Don't start blaming your spouse. It doesn't matter who fault it is that your marriage needs saving, just admit that things aren't good between you two.

It will take work for you two to find a solution and get things back on the right track. But it will be worth it. Going through a divorce will cause you harm, drain your bank account, and be devastating to your children, if you have any.


Not communicating is one reason your marriage is failing and needs saving. You need to communicate with your spouse. What you should do is write down a list of everything you like about your spouse. This list will help you re-kindle the love you have for y

Friday 23 January 2009

How to Save Your Marriage - Secrets to Keep a Failing Marriage

Would you like to discover how to save your marriage or keep your failing marriage from leading into a divorce. This is not an easy task but it can be done. This article will talk about how you can save your marriage and prevent your marriage from leading into a divorce, especially if you like to learn how to keep a failing marriage.

#1. Your Mindset

When you want to know how to save your marriage, there is a certain mindset you have to be in. You can't just sit there and say "oh, well my marriage is never going to saved", with that kind of attitude, it won't be fixed. You have to be in the right, positive mindset. Prepared and ready to do what it takes to save your marriage.

#2. Be Ready for Changes

When you would like to know how to save your marriage or how to keep a failing marriage from leading you to divorce, then you must be ready for changes. Obviously, whatever you are doing right now is not working, so there are going to have to be changes. Once you understand that you do need changes, you can move onto the next step.

#3. Talk It Through.

Obviously, without talking to your spouse no progress will be made. You cannot solve your marriage problems without talking to your spouse. It just doesn't work that way. What, are you going to write notes to each other? Get real, grow up and sit down with your spouse and talk about what needs to be changed.

Uncover all the secrets and techniques on how to save a marriage from divorce, even if only one partner wants to work on it.

Discover how The Magic of Making Up can help you save your marriage and get your partner or spouse back by going to - Be sure to watch our free videos straight from the site as well!

Thursday 22 January 2009

Common Marriage Problems can be Fuelled by Insecurity

It’s amazing how seemingly insignificant and common marriage problems can be built up out of all proportion through the sheer fact that one or both partners feel insecure.

Insecurity can eat away at you, leaving you with a marriage without trust and a sitting target for normally routine and relatively harmless common marriage problems.

Insecurity fuels jealousy which, in turn, creates common marriage problems that wouldn’t normally exist.

Insecurity means couples fail to experience the joys of marriage in the true sense of the word. Insecure couples generally fail to build the partnership that forms the foundation of a solid marriage and tend to experience a greater number of marriage problems than those couples who feel comfortable in their marriage.

In some instances there are good grounds for feeling insecure with partners commonly struggling to recover from previous marriage problems that have broken the trust in the marriage.

In other cases people marry without even experiencing that initial trust such as when one partner feels that they are less intelligent or lack the good looks that they believe their partner will eventually fall for. In such cases it’s common for marriage problems to be apparent right from the start.

Many common marriage problems are driven by insecurity and can be easily resolved merely through addressing the issues that have created the unease in the first place.

Discomfort in a marriage or in any relationship can leave partners stressed, which in turn fuels insecurity and in itself creates common marriage problems that wouldn’t otherwise exist.

If you are struggling with your marriage don’t just look at the marriage problems that are currently apparent but identify the underlying cause. It’s common for marriage problems to be merely a symptom and not the cause and it’s resolving the underlying cause that will ultimately save your marriage.

Friday 16 January 2009

Tips For Fixing a Marriage - How to Fix a Marriage

Your marriage is experiencing problems and you want to fix it. It's a good thing that you're being proactive and wanting to save your marriage before it's too late. Waiting too long could result in you going through a divorce and losing everything.

So, what I'm going to share with you are some tips for fixing a marriage. That way, you can avoid getting a divorce and experience and happy, loving marriage.

The first tip for fixing a marriage is communication. You must communicate with your spouse in order to fix your marriage. What you want to do is write down all the problems you think are causing your marriage to fail. Your spouse should do this, too.

After thinking of all the problems in your marriage, you and your spouse should then come up with solutions for all the problems. This is doing two things for your marriage. One thing is it's allowing you and your spouse to work together as a couple and the second thing it's doing is helping you two work through the problems in your marriage.

Another tip for fixing a marriage is spending quality time with your spouse. Spending quality time will help bring you and your spouse together. What you should do is plan a date. Do something romantic. This will help you and your spouse fall in love with each other again.

Also, you should have faith in your marriage. This will help you fix your marriage. You should have faith in your marriage, your spouse, and yourself. If you truly believe in your marriage, you will be able to fix any problems that you and your spouse go through.

These are the tips to fixing a marriage. Use these tips to help you save your marriage. If you wait too long to save your marriage, you may find yourself going through a divorce. You could end up losing everything. Don't let that happen to you.

Sometimes, it's difficult saving your marriage by yourself. You may need expert advice. If you are serious about saving your marriage, go to

Sunday 11 January 2009

What to Expect in Marriage Counseling - Top Five Things

If you are having marital or relationship problems and it has gotten to the point where you want to seek the help of a marriage counselor you may not know what to expect. If this is your first time seeking the advice of a marriage counselor there is no reason you should know what to expect. Doing a little research before scheduling your first session may make your experience less intimidating. The top five things regarding What to expect in marriage counseling are outlined in this article.

1. Expect to start marriage counseling in a joint session with your partner. This allows the counselor to gain a general overview of the relationship from both people involved. In this way the background of the relationship and its problems will not be slanted toward one individual.

2. The counseling sessions may be held in a private clinic, established by the marriage counselor, in a hospital setting or in a governmental agency.

3. The marriage counselor may want to meet with each person in the couple individually after the initial couples session. This allows the counselor to become better acquainted with each person on an individual basis. It also allows each individual to express themselves freely as they may be intimidated in front of their partner.

4. You can expect the marriage counseling sessions to focus on developing better communication techniques between the individuals. Poor communication between couples if often at the root of many relationship problems.

5. If the relationship is in serious crisis or heightened emotional state you can expect that the marriage counselor will take immediate steps to restore a better sense of balance and order in the relationship.

Of course individual marriage counselors will approach their clinical practice in different ways. Not all will be the same and some will be more effective than others. The fact that you are taking the step to research marriage counseling, especially if you are having relationship problems, is a great first step in restoring and saving your relationship.

If you are not quite ready to take that step toward professional counseling you can discover and learn several easy and effective techniques that are designed and proven to rectify and salvage even the most troubled relationships. Click here now to receive my new, free ebook that will bring you one step closer to saving your relationship.

Peter Harris is a health care professional and author and writes frequently about relationships.

Saturday 10 January 2009

How To Quickly Fix Marriage Relationship Problems

In every marriage, relationship problems exist. No marriage is perfect, and Hollywood endings are just for the big screen. Every married couple experiences marriage relationship problems from time to time, but these problems don't have to signal the end of a relationship.

If you're currently going through some marriage relationship problems, whether they're about family matters, finances, sexual compatibility, or something else, consider seeking therapy. Marriage counselors are trained in all kinds of marriage relationship problems, from the common ones to the more serious ones, and can help you and your spouse meet each other on equal ground again.

Some marriage relationship problems might seem insurmountable; for instance, your spouse reveals that he's been unfaithful. The pain and shock of losing that sense of trust can be overwhelming for anyone, but even infidelity is a marriage relationship problem that can be resolved with time and work. That is, if you want it to be.

A counselor can help you and your spouse see through the blame and guilt to the root of your marriage relationship problems. You might think the problem is that he ignores you, or maybe that she doesn't listen to you, but often you'll find that the marriage relationship problems on the surface are usually simply results of deeper-lying core issues dealing with trust, communication, fear, and power.

Honesty is an important part of resolving marriage relationship problems. Many times a partner won't disclose his or her true feelings about an issue, and the other spouse is forced to assume things that may not be correct. Being open with each other, and the ability to be honest, can go a long way toward smoothing over marriage relationship problems, no matter how serious. With honest communication, a true commitment to the relationship, and an extra dose of loving patience, you and your spouse can build a more satisfying relationship that will last a lifetime.

To fix your marriage relationship problems most effectively, both you and your spouse need to be committed to doing what it takes to overcome and work through issues. Most marriage relationship problems don't have to break up a marriage, but many can become worse over time until neither of you even feel like it's worth resolving.

There are also many self-help books written on how to work through marriage relationship problems. If you want to avoid the cost of therapy, consider picking up a few books written by experts. They can help you see patterns in your relationship and identify those marriage relationship problems that need to be addressed sooner rather than later. But remember, only you and your spouse can commit to truly building the safe and loving relationship you both seek.

Put an End to the Stress and Anxiety of Not Knowing What to Do to Save Your Troubled Marriage! Get proven marriage tips and advice today.

Friday 9 January 2009

How Can I Save a Doomed Marriage

Most marriages in today's society end in total chaos, for several reasons. With various problems, one of the famous questions that are always asked is "how can I save a doomed marriage?" First off there is not a description as a "doomed" marriage.

When you trying to decide how to save a doomed marriage, you are in the wrong state of mind. Every marriage can be saved therefore there is no such thing as your relationship being doomed. Most people do not want to work on saving their marriages, they would just assume to consider it all ending. So if you are one of those that are willing to save your marriage here is some tip for saving a "doomed" marriage.

First, you and your companion will need to make a list of the things that are wrong in your relationship. Do not think that this is all childish it really will help you both to realize your weak factors that need to be worked on. Once you both have made your list then discuss how you will need to correct the problems. Do not just sit there a bicker back and forth that will not get you anywhere, sit there and have a normal conversation to help your future lives. Communication plays a major pole in a relationship

If you and your partner cannot work together in discussion the good and bad of the relationship then consider going to marriage counseling.

So do not just question yourself how can I save a doomed marriage? If you are not willing to save your marriage then do not waste your time, but just remember it only takes a little bit of effort form both lover to make a long lasting relationship.

This guide will show you exactly what to do to save a doomed marriage, step-by-step information.

If you want the best advices that will save your marriage, even after an affair, THIS GUIDE is all you need. You will know what exactly you must do or tell to your him/her to stop a possible break up.

Nicusor Valentin Prefac - EzineArticles Expert Author

Thursday 8 January 2009

Simple Advice to Rescue Your Marriage Or Relationship From a Break Up

Do you want to rescue your marriage or relationship from a break up? We have heard tales of wives, husbands, boyfriends or girlfriends struggling to rescue their marriage or relationship from a break up. They come to us asking for help. Yes. We can offer one or two advice to help them but the only person that can truly help you rescue your marriage or relationship from a break up is you. Yes. You!

Most people allow others who are not well-informed to compound their marriage or relationship problems. They even spend so much time following stories in the media where phony love and relationship doctors claim to know how to solve their relationship problems and save their marriage. They claim they can help you rescue your marriage or relationship, when in reality they are only looking for recognition. Most of them cannot rescue their own marriage or maintain a healthy relationship.

However, if you do your due diligence, you will find out that there are genuine people who have your interest at heart and are ready to proffer genuine advice. It is better to expose your marriage or relationship problems to the right people and not suffer in silence. If you cannot approach them, you can learn a lot from their years of experience and wisdom from reading their written materials. Many people have died because they are ashamed of their relating their problems to others. They hide their marriage or relationship problems and suffer in silence. Some talk about it to the wrong persons; who will advise them wrongly and make them take wrong decisions.

If you want to rescue your marriage or relationship from a break up, you should examine yourself and your partner before seeking for help from others. That way, you will know the type of advice you need. Remember that every marriage or relationship is special, with very personal and unique memories and events. For anyone else to suggest that they are your only hope to rescue your marriage or relationship from a break up is plain nonsense.

So, where do you go to when trouble comes? Remember, The Bible says, "Woe unto those that go down to Egypt for help". Do you seriously want to rescue your marriage or relationship from a break up? Good. However, before you start seeking help from others to rescue your marriage or relationship, it is wise you go to a quiet place, sit down and ask yourself, what your marriage or relationship problems are. It is after your self-examination, you can now seek for help. If you cannot tell your doctor what is wrong with you, you may be treated for the wrong ailment. The best person that can help you rescue your marriage or relationship from a break up is you. When you ask all the whys and you take the steps to seek the right help, you will gain insight to your rescue your marriage or relationship.

If you would like to learn the secret techniques and strategies that can help rescue your marriage or relationship from a break up from a man that has helped 6,100 people in 67 countries, click here for more information.

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Problems with Marriage

Problems with marriage are unreasonable expectations that people have entering into it, and become such a routine. Understanding why these marriages fail can be a good solution to ensuring that your own marriage does not fail.

Some of problem with marriage happened, when:

• Problem with marriage is a lot of people think their wedding is supposed to be the high point of their love. It’s often makes people unselfish and unselfish people lose their individuality.

• The problem with marriage is when people base their marriage on infatuation and sex, because marriage is more than sex.

• Communication is critical to the success of a marriage. Without proper communication, they can’t resolve their problems, even the smallest problems will become a difficult issue.

• Other factors that contribute to the problem with marriage are financial concerns. Financial concerns can be a heavy burden to bear and when a couple is struggling to meet their financial obligations, there can be a pressure in the relationship.

• A major problem with marriage is divorce, sometime this sounds like the quick solution when you have problem with your marriage without making an honest effort to resolve your problems.

• The problem with marriage is the idea that it should be tied together by principle rather than mutual self-interest, and everyone's rush into it.

• The problem with marriage is not marriage itself but the expectations of marriage, and when people do not take it seriously anymore.

• The basic problem with marriage is not the change of marital status itself but the celebration that generally accompanies that sort of thing.

Remember, marriage is just a word, but the definition of marriage is a “committed relationship”. Marriage is relationship and bond between you and your spouse. Finding someone in your life and establishing a relationship is the challenge. Once married your relationship involves you, your spouse, and the state. But your discomfort feeling doesn't mean that your relationship should be dismissed. The relationship is not meant for you to expect the other person to do what you want. A relationship is more than sex, but you should build your relationship with love, bond and trust. Success in marriage needs 100% commitment from both parties to make it a success. Both of you should work hard at your relationship, and made a decision of choosing to love their mate rather than relying on.

Problem with Marriage is A BIG DEAL...But DON'T GIVE UP on your marriage, No matter what kind of problems you are having. Find out how to save your marriage or relationship….Click here!

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Making Marriage Relationships Work

When you are in a relationship you will find out how hard and complicated it can be. In marriage relationships it is even harder and much more complicated than being in an ordinary relationship. Working on your relationship is important if you have to make the marriage succeed.

Making marriage relationships work depends on the two people involved in the relationship. Communication is always the first thing that destroys or makes a relationship. Lack of communication is what causes a relationship to go down the tubes. Making it work can only happen when the two people learn how to talk to each other.

Communication is the key of all relationships. Whether it is marriage relationships or family relationships, the key is to talk to each other and tell each other how u both feel. Knowing each others likes and dislikes only comes from talking with each other. Lack of communication in a relationship can cause a couple to become distant. It can also hide a multitude of ill will and resentment.

We all know that problems are a normal occurrence in a normal marriage. Solving these problems is a key factor to making your marriage work as it is to solving your problems. Commitment is what marriage is all about and committing to each other will show you just how much you and your partner care about each other. How you commit in your relationship is what makes your relationship better and stronger. Marriage is hard but you must work on your relationship and that is the only way to keep it going.

Peter Gitundu Researches And Reports On Marriages. For More Information On marriage relationships, Visit His Site At MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIPSYou Can Also Post Your Views About marriage relationships On My Blog Here MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIPS

Sunday 4 January 2009

The Basics of Marriage Counseling

Almost half of all marriages end in divorce. That is why there is an increase in couples seeking marriage counseling. Nobody wants to think that the marriage they are in will end. Marriage counseling offers a way for couples to work thorough problems with an outside influence. Marriage counseling can help couples to rebuild a marriage that was on the way to divorce.

Marriage counseling is a type of therapy that helps married couples resolve problems they may be having in their marriage. Most often counseling is conducted with both partners present. However, sometimes there will be individual sessions depending on the couples needs. The basis for marriage counseling is research that has shown problems in a marriage are best solved through communication and working together. Marriage counseling usually lasts a short period of time, until the problems are resolved and the marriage is back on track and the couple can handle problems on their own. In a session the counselor will ask questions, listen and analyze problems. The counseling usually starts with an analysis of the marriage and its problems. Then the problems are worked through to an amicable conclusion.

Marriage counselors are trained in psychotherapy. They also have an understanding about families, how to understand client’s needs and problems. They also have training that allows them to help clients work through the problems to reach conclusions. All of this training lets them be able to identify underlying problems. A good marriage counselor will not make a client feel guilty or blame. They will teach clients to work through problems and get over bad feelings.

Marriage counseling can help couples open the lines of communication. Communication has been shown to be the key to a healthy and happy relationship. Couples with problems seek marriage counseling o get a better understanding of what has went wrong in their marriage, so they can once again have a string marriage.

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner. She publishes articles and reports in various ezines and also contributes on a regular basis to

Saturday 3 January 2009

Tips For Fixing a Marriage - How to Fix a Marriage

Your marriage is experiencing problems and you want to fix it. It's a good thing that you're being proactive and wanting to save your marriage before it's too late. Waiting too long could result in you going through a divorce and losing everything.

So, what I'm going to share with you are some tips for fixing a marriage. That way, you can avoid getting a divorce and experience and happy, loving marriage.

The first tip for fixing a marriage is communication. You must communicate with your spouse in order to fix your marriage. What you want to do is write down all the problems you think are causing your marriage to fail. Your spouse should do this, too.

After thinking of all the problems in your marriage, you and your spouse should then come up with solutions for all the problems. This is doing two things for your marriage. One thing is it's allowing you and your spouse to work together as a couple and the second thing it's doing is helping you two work through the problems in your marriage.

Another tip for fixing a marriage is spending quality time with your spouse. Spending quality time will help bring you and your spouse together. What you should do is plan a date. Do something romantic. This will help you and your spouse fall in love with each other again.

Also, you should have faith in your marriage. This will help you fix your marriage. You should have faith in your marriage, your spouse, and yourself. If you truly believe in your marriage, you will be able to fix any problems that you and your spouse go through.

These are the tips to fixing a marriage. Use these tips to help you save your marriage. If you wait too long to save your marriage, you may find yourself going through a divorce. You could end up losing everything. Don't let that happen to you.

Sometimes, it's difficult saving your marriage by yourself. You may need expert advice. If you are serious about saving your marriage, go to

Friday 2 January 2009

The Most Important Things In Marriage

When it comes to marriage, there are things that you are responsible for doing that are so important to the marriage’s success. But, we could list an endless list of these things. Instead, though, let’s talk about those things that are most important in marriage.

The most important aspect of marriage is communication. If you can not talk to your spouse, your marriage will have no room for growth. Communication builds trust as well. It is important to maintain a good trusting, marriage. Communicating your feelings and needs will keep your marriage pumping forward!

Another important thing in marriage is having a firm foundation. Like a building the foundation of a marriage is what keeps it from falling apart. The most important aspect really is what your marriage is built on. Your values, morals, and beliefs are the foundation for your marriage. If you and your spouse can’t agree here, well, things are going to be shaking in your marriage.

Other things that are important in marriage include being understanding, honesty, and forgiveness. Without these things, your marriage will not survive long. Instead, you will constantly question your marriage foundations.

It is important to take into consideration all of these things. Marriage is built on trust, love, and friendship. How many of these things are in your marriage? How many of these things do you need to work on to have a successful relationship? Marriage is always the first priority. For more on this topic, visit